Bewitched is a high-fashion multi-spread magazine that unfolds the story of the Sanderson sisters, the season’s most sought-after debutantes. This narrative provides the inside scoop on the ton’s gossip and the lives of Winifred, Mary, and Sarah that will leave you with goosebumps. Using their beauty and wit, these sisters have the entirety of Salem cast under their spell.


Bewitched drew its inspiration from the enchanting worlds of two of my all-time favorites: the magic of Hocus Pocus and the regal charm of Bridgerton. I was faced with the challenge of finding the balance between the two, and with that came the style, ‘cottagecore witch.’ The result is a visually captivating collection of strategically picked colors, accessories, and pearls that not only accentuate their outfits but also express each Sanderson sister's distinct personality and profound connection.

Bewitched isn't just about fashion; it's a narrative that celebrates sisterhood and the charm of being miraculously themselves.


The design of Bewitched needed to go above and beyond, especially when telling the captivating story of the Sanderson sisters. I designed each aspect of the magazine with precise detail, all the way down to the pearls in the lettermarks. The cover is graced with a ‘B’ in pearlescent wax. Just like the Sanderson sisters, each of their outfits down to their lace gloves and layouts are tailored to their strengths and personalities.


The enchanting Sanderson Sisters have a name that prevails them, but their debut season has cast the ton under a spell.

Miss Sarah Sanderson—A lady of beauty and wit. Her suitors are loyal. A flirtatious necklace, pearls, and lace gloves can’t hurt, right? Yours Truly.

Sarah’s attire includes a strapless feather-lined purple dress, gold purse, bejeweled earrings, pearls, and lace gloves.

Miss Winifred Sanderson—A force to be reckoned with. Pearls and gold cascade down her back while the family jewels grace her neck and wrist. How do you suppose she likes her tea? Yours Truly.

Winifred’s attire includes a green dress, pearl and gold speckled cape, gold jewelry, short lace gloves, and her trusty spell book.

Miss Mary Sanderson—A cautious soul indeed. An elegant gown, pearls, and jewels. You could say she is well-read. Yours Truly.

Mary’s attire includes a one-shoulder maroon dress, lace gloves, jewel rings, a red clutch, and pearl earrings.


In the eyes of Lady Whistledown, this season will be the best yet as the Sanderson sisters make their debut. See what the gossip is all about and watch the Bewitched trailer below. 

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the music.

Awarded Silver in the Graphis New Talent Competition in March 2024.

Art direction and imagery are self-produced.
Models are Elizabeth Thompson (Sarah), Kenzie Popovich (Winifred), and Jessica Markovich (Mary).